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Major earthquake measuring 7.5 on the richter scale leaves Turkey and Syria reeling

In the early hours of Monday (6th February) morning, at about 4:00 am local time, Turkey was struck by one of the largest, and most powerful earthquakes since 1939. With the death toll climbing, and a bitter winter setting in, the people of Turkey and Syria need warm blankets and clothes, prepared meals, cash grants, and emergency medical assistance.

Please donate to one of our packages below, or choose an amount that you would like to give.  No donation is ever considered too small.



Please donate generously

  • £10 One Off

Could provide 6 thermal blankets to families in the cold

  • £30 One Off

Could buy emergency ready-to-eat-meals for a family for one week

  • £110 One Off

Could provide a cash grant for a family, so they can buy food, medicines and essentials

  • 313 One Off

Could provide 3 emergency aid packages